What is Sustainable Social Care?
In the UK, the landscape of social care is evolving rapidly, and more and more focus is being placed on Sustainable Social Care.
Care Commissioning in the Dark
We are all only too aware of the ever-increasing challenges local authorities are facing across the children’s and younger person health and social care landscape.
The Children’s Reform: why doing nothing is not an option
While local authorities wait to see the Government’s plans for what has been hailed a ‘once-in-a-generation’ reform in children’s social care, it is possible to get ahead and start understanding and shaping local provision better now with the help of the market-leading strategy and negotiation tool CareCubed.
PeopleToo Partnership Helps Councils Use CareCubed
CareCubed customers can now access specialist consultancy through iESE’s partner Peopletoo to help them maximise the benefits of CareCubed and ensure it is embedded into processes.
The Right Care at a Fair Price
CareCubed is the market-leading care pricing tool which offers a transparent solution to help local authorities, Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) and care providers agree the cost and scope of placements, helping both parties achieve the right care at a fair price based on individual client needs.
Over 40s Social Care Tax
Joint report has called for a “social care premium” for England, to address social care costs which will soon become “unsustainable”. At a time when larger numbers of people need social care support, funding for the services has been badly hit by government cuts to council budgets.
Safeguarding Children App
MindOfMyOwn helps safeguard vulnerable children during lockdown with app to help get their voices heard and participate in decisions made about their lives. During social distancing and lockdown the apps have been a vital communication tool for young people between themselves and their teachers and social workers.
Market Leading Care Cost Tool
Whilst the ruling has brought much needed clarity of sleep-in pay, the impact of this ruling raises has many questions as it answers. It will be a relief to many local authorities and providers, but the effect of the ruling going forward is far from clear.
Sleep In Pay Ruling
Whilst the ruling has brought much needed clarity of sleep-in pay, the impact of this ruling raises has many questions as it answers. It will be a relief to many local authorities and providers, but the effect of the ruling going forward is far from clear.
Designing the Future of Care Systems
During the pandemic we have all learned that working online is more than just moving the existing processes online. A new human-centred approach is needed to unleash the potential for better workflows in our new cloud-based world to meet the needs of today.
Diving into the Future
As emerge from the pandemic and begin to see the impact and implications of Brexit, it is clear that many local public services will struggle to continue to meet the needs of their communities. The ‘New Normal’ is seeing an increasing priority for local and hyper local regeneration, inclusive growth and sustainability.
Cost of Care tool announcement
iESE To Provide Free CHIP Cost Of Care Tool To All English Councils, the tool will be built on the existing web based CareCubed platform. CareCubed, is already used in more than 100 councils and care providers across the UK, it has been developed in partnership with both commissioning authorities and care providers.